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"We are very active in our classroom but through venues like Spelling, Math, and Science. It was nice for the class to be active in the classroom for the sake of learning about health and wellness." - Teacher  


"A student was so excited to see me that she not only gave me a hug, but she hugged my cooler, too!"         - Nutrition Educator

"My son told me that we had to buy yogurt and it has to be greek!  Then he surprised me and didn't even want anything in it! No M&M's or anything!  That has never happened before you." - Parent 

"I had no idea I liked spinach!" -2nd Grade Student



P.E.P. - Physical Education and Nutrition in the U.P. Expansion Project is administered through the Marquette-Alger Regional Educational Service Agency.










Our mission: 


Marquette-Alger Regional Educational Service Agency partners and collaborates with local school districts, higher education, non-profit organizations, businesses and others to provide educational services, leadership development and technical assistance.   

PE-Nut is a nutrition and physical education program that uses a whole-school approach to motivate students, parents and educators to be physically active and eat healthier.


PE-Nut is designed to improve health behaviors in a school environment by presenting simple, consistent nutrition and physical activity messages via multiple approaches. Academic achievement improves when students receive a healthful diet and when they can be physically active throughout the school day. In PE-Nut, physical educators, classroom teachers and school administrators work together to improve nutrition and physical activity in K–5 school settings. It fits nicely with the Coordinated School Health (CSH) approach in schools.


Goals of the program:


- Increase participation in a physically active lifestyle


- Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables



They learn from waching ME! Somone displayed in a pop-up snap pea costume.
Fruits, Dairy, Vegetables, Protein, Grains
Marquette-Alger Regional Educational Services Agency
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